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see: http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/component:cd-ver2

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be contained in a document case within secure locker. All personnel interacting with SCP-XXXX must undergo B-X875 Memetic Innoculation1 prior to removal from this locker. A copy of this document should be affixed to the inside of the locker to prevent accidental exposure.

All SCP-XXXX-1 entities are to be contained in standard humanoid contianment cells. All physical needs must be taken care of via automated processes. Under no circumstances should these entities make line of sight contact with any human. Should an SCP-XXXX-1 instance see a human, they are to be terminated immediately.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a cognitohazard contained within a handwritten book of poetry and short essays by the late Australian writer James Shelbridge. The poem, titled "From Their Eyes," details the author imagining himself as a bird. When a human subject reads SCP-XXXX, they will be subjected to a series of severe manic and depressive episodes that are unaffected by non-anomalous mood stabilizers. The emotional states of the subject, designated SCP-XXXX-1, correlate to what species of animal that they view after being exposed to SCP-XXXX.

Test Logs | SCP-XXXX | Various Dates

Subject Test Outcome
Non-formatted cell Non-formatted cell Non-formatted cell
Non-formatted cell Non-formatted cell Non-formatted cell
Non-formatted cell Non-formatted cell Non-formatted cell
Non-formatted cell Non-formatted cell Non-formatted cell
Non-formatted cell Non-formatted cell Non-formatted cell
Non-formatted cell Non-formatted cell Non-formatted cell


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